Brenda heads PCUN’s Service Center and has been a part of the organization for 15 years. This past year she has been asked to take leadership in leading the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) initiative for PCUN, helping DACA-eligible youth with their applications to apply for prosecutorial discretion.
However, the biggest transition Brenda faces is yet to come: Filing visa applications, overseeing a growth in staff, and playing the lead role for citizenship application if immigration reform were to pass in 2013.
“DACA really is a dress rehearsal for the potential of immigration reform. I imagine us [PCUN] hosting forums on legalization and immigration reform every day and people knocking on our door for advice. I think supervising a growing staff through this will be challenging”-Brenda
How will the CAPACES Leadership Institute help leaders like Brenda prepare for such “transitions”?
In January of 2013, the CLI will launch its Leadership Forum, a vehicle to build out the organization’s programs in the second and third levels of leadership: Making & keeping a long term commitment; and preparing for leadership at the highest level.
To kickoff phase I of the Leadership Forum, next month Brenda and her peers will participate in the first of twelve leadership round-table discussions which will provide a platform to analyze the challenges, the competencies, and the opportunities for the participants to achieve successful transitions.
“I’ve gone through the leadership school of trial-by-fire. I think I’ve proven my commitment for the movement. But to take on leadership at the highest level, there has to be a better way. I believe the Forum will provide me with the support that I need and it will help me step back and look at the broader picture, to plan, and to succeed.”– Brenda
Transitions happen, and they are difficult. We’re asking you to transition from helping us to build the CLI to helping us fund the next phase of our work.Contributions to the CLI are tax-deductible and can be done electronically through Willamette Valley Law Project and selecting “CAPACES Leadership Institute” and can be done here. Thank you.
Laura Isiordia
Executive Director
CAPACES Leadership Institute
P.S: We know you may be supporting one of our sister organizations already. We invite you to support the CAPACES Leadership Institute, but
we understand if you’re not able to. Thank you.