Your'e Invited!

Join us in celebrating cultural wealth and supporting Capaces’ mission to strengthen the wellness, capacity, and political consciousness of leaders, organizations, networks, and communities to eliminate social disparities. We invite you to support Capaces Leadership Institute’s Annual Benefit on September 18, 2024. This year’s theme, “Celebrando Nuestra Riqueza ComunitariaCelebrating Our Community Wealth,” reflects our community’s rich tapestry of traditions, stories, and talents.


As a 501(c) (3) nonprofit serving Latino/e, Afrodescendientes, and Indigenous communities, Capaces is dedicated to fostering leadership and innovation. Our programs support and uplift our youth, families, and community. In June, our TURNO after-school program graduated a cohort of six first-generation college-bound students. Our Community Health Worker Hub also launched the Oregon Health Authority-approved CHW training with ten Spanish-speaking community members. Our program will spotlight leaders who exemplify Community Wealth through arts and culture, education, entrepreneurship, and civic engagement.


Your sponsorship ensures this event’s success in raising $30K to continue providing educational and leadership programming opportunities for approximately 20% of Oregon’s Latine population.

Ready To Make a Difference?

Together, let’s showcase and celebrate the cultural richness that defines our community and our community’s diverse heritage through food, art, performance, and storytelling.


Join us Wednesday, September 18th for our Annual Fundraiser and together lets make a difference. 

Purchase Event Tickets HERE


Can’t make it to our event, but still wish to contribute?

Make an individual donation HERE


Wish to sustain our mission in a BIG WAY?

Consider being a Sponsor, to do so:

Please fill out THIS FORM

and make checks payable to the address below.


Make checks payable to: 

Address: 356 Young St, Woodburn, OR 97071

Memo: Annual Fundraiser 2024

Capaces Leadership Institute Tax ID: 45-2771253

Sponsor May Request: Invoicing & Capace’s W-9


For questions about the event or to submit a payment form,

please contact our Development Coordinator, Monica Cerda Ortiz: or 971-218-1373.