These periodic updates have focused on the tangible progress we’re making to bring the CAPACES Leadership Institute fully to life. For example, every day the building has some new put in place. This past week, it was the roof’s “TPO” waterproof membrane, installed thanks to donated labor and considerable donated material provided by McDonald and Wetle in East Portland. And on Thrusday, the Institute wrapped up its first course, “CAPACES 101”, a five-sessions for new leaders and leaders new to our movement. The second offering of CAPACES 101 begins today with a new small group.
As hundreds of supporters can attest, seeing the Institute’s building-in-progress or meeting CAPACES organizations leaders in person best transmits the essence of the Institute. Most supporters, of course, simply cannot come and visit, much less come by often. Therefore, as promised, we’ve created a vehicle to bring the Institute’s evolution to you.
At www.capacesleadership.org you can now find images, stories, information, background and more about the CAPACES Leadership Institute:
- See photos of the latest construction progress;
- Find this e-update—and past ones that form the “first draft” of this journey’s narrative;
- Read brief and engaging accounts from behind the scenes, like the profile of the Institute’s chief construction consultant, Gene Wixson, of Green Hammer;
- Sign up for construction brigades;
- Use the “Donate” link to make a tax-deductible contribution securely online;
To get started, we assembled mostly the basics. In the weeks and months ahead, we’ll be inserting more back story and expanding content on the Institute’s programs. We expect that the site will eventually become a platform for the Institute’s program that’s as virtually vibrant as the in-person activities already are. OK, almost as vibrant.
We gratefully acknowledge the team who brought www.capacesleadership.org to life: Barry Amundson, Abel Valladares, Kathleen Pequeño, and Phil Pearson.
We hope you’ll use capacesleadership.org to stay current, connected, and to help us draw in others.