What started out as a vision by CAPACES network leaders to build a leadership institute in sustainable practices to mirror its principle in building long-term sustainable leadership, has finally received national recognition. The CAPACES Leadership Institute has received Passive House construction certification.
According to PHUIS (Passive House Institute U.S), the authority on Passive House construction certification in the U.S, the CAPACES Leadership Institute is the first school or training facility west of the Mississippi to meet Passive house standards and just the second in the U.S. Overall, the CLI building is fifth non-residential PH structure in the nation.
What’s Passive House? Dylan Lamar from Green Hammer, a Portland based design-build firm leading in sustainable building practices and architects of the CLI building, explains “The Passivhaus [Passive House] Standard is the world’s most advanced building energy-efficiency standard and it centers around three simple principles: insulation, air-tightness, and heat-recovery ventilation.”
What does this mean for Oregon and the Sustainable building movement?
“This is not just a milestone for Woodburn, or Oregon, or even the Pacific Northwest… it’s a milestone for the advancement of sustainability in the entire United States. It represents a forward-thinking approach. An approach that deeply considers the future our children will inherit. And I think there could be no better application than an educational building, where future leaders of the migrant farmworker movement will be trained.”
What does this mean for the CAPACES Leadership Institute and the CAPACES Network movement? Laura Isiordia, CLI’s executive director, explains: “It means a lot! It means that the countless hours and materials donated by our many partner organizations, businesses, donors, and volunteers met a high standard. That we can now celebrate the fact that not only were we able to build this building with zero debt, but that our building meets Passive House standards. How many people can say I helped build a Passive House?”
For a complete list of passive house certified buildings, visit http://www.passivehouse.us/projects.php.
Want to Check It Out Yourself?
You’re invited to take part in a special event on March 20th for the Tom Ruhl Scholarship Fund. Our special guest will be Former Governor Barbara Roberts who will be reading from her autobiography, Up The Capitol Steps. The event program will be held at PCUN’s Risberg Hall then move to the CLI’s facility for a reception and book-signing. Click here for more information: http://capacesleadership.org/events/event/former-governor-barbara-roberts-to-speak-at-tom-ruhl-scholarship-fund-gathering-at-pcun/