What People Say About the CLI

There are so many young people, students, parents, farmworkers and allies who are part of creating the CLI community. Here are some of what people told us when we asked them, “What does the CLI mean to you?”

August 7, 2015

The CLI has become a place I consider a second home. A place where I am free to express myself and where there is always an opportunity to learn something new.

August 7, 2015

The institute provides a space where you can interact with people with similar backgrounds. You can learn and discuss important topics that affect our community but society keeps us away from.

August 7, 2015

When you have limited resources the CLI is a great place to ask for help. They do not only provide the electronic resources we need to complete our homework but they also provide us with their assistance in understanding the assignments. They offer resources to post high school education and offer support and guidance we need.

August 7, 2015

CAPACES Leadership Institute has become a place where I can come and express my concerns to the coordinators. Through the RE-TURNO program I have learned the qualities that make up a good leader and that there are various opportunities to make college possible.

August 7, 2015

The beauty of CLI is that it allows all of us to be part of meaningful conversations and connect with others who are working within el movimiento but who we don't see on a daily basis. It is a challenge to do the type of work that we do, but it is refreshing to know that each organization isn't alone but rather part of a larger network.

August 7, 2015

The CLI is a great organization that has programs like RE-TURNO, where we are prepared to be great leaders for our community.

If you want to tell us what the CLI means to you, please get in touch with us.